Lama sudah tidak bersua, mari high 5 semua!
Ok. Nak cepat sebab malas lambat-lambat,
hari ni aku nak review dan berkempen untuk satu drama US yang bagusss..
jap nak google image..
Ok. Bacaan lanjut mengenainya ada di wikipedia.
My two, three, four, five and six cents are:
- The creator is Ryan Murphy with someone-i-dont-know-n-shud-i-know? Thus, Ryan Murphy of wacky wiki wiki crazy teeens of Glee and Popular (once upon a time history), now come with this handful fruit (buah tangan terbaru-ayat wartawan melesia kan?), this sick, scoopy, creepy, psychotic, but brilliant horror story.
- The plot is as simple as a new family of Harmon moved from Boston to LA after the wife had a miscarriage as well as dealing with the cheating husband.
- The additives, coloring, aspartame, MSG, salt, butter, and sugar of this show is, the haunted house that they moved in. The house has its story. Former residents (owners, maid, could be anyone) of the house, mostly died in the house, are not in their respective peace. They come back to the house and haunting/visiting it.
- Each episode brings next story which I believe there are so many things and plots to reveal and I wonder how many seasons will this series last?
- The characters are so brilliant. Grammy and Golden Globe can give them trophies now.
- My favourites are Down's, the maid (women see her as an old lady, men see her as a sexy, young lady), the daughter, the ghosts or guest stars, the wife, the hubby, the neighbour, the basement (not a character actually) as concluded, ALL.
- So, tak kenal maka tak cinta, this show is highly recommended to be downloaded, or anyone near UKM Bangi (statement jual shawl sangat!) can take it from me, FOC of course because I wanna spread the love.
Sekian dulu karangan BI SPM dari saya yang bertauliah tiada dalam hal mengereview.
Segala kesalahan grammar harap dimaafi.
p/s : episod 1 agak lucahs...sila tutup mata....well, pilot episode kan..
p/s 2 : Pernah tengok Heroes? Sylar yang zalim itu kat sini jadi gay couple ghost. Aiyyo.
p/s 3 : Season 2 has been renewed. Semoga Ryan Murphy tidak mengapa-apakan dan memperkotak-katikkan siri mendatang sebagaimana yang beliau telah lakukan kepada Glee.
p/s 4 : eh, leh download di sini.
p/s 5 : dan aku tak rasa aku nak Malay Horror Story...cerita-cerita Prof Penang tu pun banyak yang horror scary, kelakar seram gitu..